
MENDICOT (pronounced men-dee-coat) is a popular Indian card game. It is similar to 'Dehla Pakad', a game played in North India. It is a team game and the ultimate objective is to win all the 10s for your team (10 of spades, 10 of hearts, 10 of diamonds, 10 of clubs). Also known as Uno, Mendicot is the world's oldest and most popular card game. The game consists of two packs of playing cards of 54 cards each. Tthe winner is the player who first scores more than 500 points by disposing off, before your competitors, all the cards you hold. Metaphoricity is the quality of being metaphorical, which contributor Carl Vogel maintains involves sense modulation. In a conversational agent, affect may be transferred by metaphor, forming a kind of artificial or synthetic emotion. Contract Bridge took off as an international rage in the 1930s and is considered by many to be the ultimate card game. Even those who have been playing for decades still find new things to learn. In this article we will cover the basics of Contract Bridge, including bidding, playing and scorekeeping.


Mendicot Game Download

MendicotMendicotDehla PakadMendicot: Dehla Pakad is another Indian game which is very similar to Mendikot. It is played identically to Mendikot with the following differences:
  • At the beginning of the hand, each player receives only five cards. The remaining eight cards to complete the hand are dealt after the trump suit is determined.
  • As in Mendikot, when a player is unable to follow suit, he may play any card from his hand. The first time this happens during the play of the first five cards dealt to the players hands, the card played becomes the trump suit for the hand. Immediately after completing that trick, the dealer then distributes the remaining 8 face down cards to each player.
  • When a team wins a trick, the cards from that trick are left in the center of the table and not taken in, but are simply flipped face down in the middle of the table. Only after the same exact player wins two consecutive tricks are these tricks taken from the center of the table. The player winning two consecutive tricks gathers all the played cards in a face down pile for their partnership, which is called their capture pile. Once the cards in the center are taken, the count resets, and a player again must win two consecutive tricks to take the cards from the center of the table. In addition, the winner of the last trick of the hand takes in all cards in the center.
  • Scores in this game are kept in the forms of Kots. The scoring at the end of each hand is as follows:
    • If one team manages to capture all four tens during the hand in their capture piles, they are said to have won one Kot.
    • If the team consisting of the non-dealer captures 2 or three of the tens in the deck into their capture pile, they win the hand (but not a Kot).
    • If the dealer's team captures 3 tens into their capture pile, they win the hand.
    • If a team wins seven consecutive hands, they win one Kot. Any time a Kot is scored, this count resets at zero in relation to the number of consecutive hands won for either partnership.
  • As in Mendikot, the player who will be the next dealer is dependent on the results of the current hand as follows.
    • If the current dealer's partnership manages to take all four tens during a hand (winning the hand), the deal rotates to the player to the current dealer's immediate right.
    • If the opponents of the dealer manager to win the hand by taking all four tens, the deal passes to the current dealer's partner.
    • If the non-dealer's partnership captured 2 or 3 tens during the hand, the same dealer deals the next hand.
    • If the dealer's team captured 3 tens during the hand, the deal passes to the current dealer's immediate right.
  • The first team to win 5 total Kots is the winning team for the game.
All other rules for playing Dehla Pakad are the same as in Mendikot.

Mendicot Tricks

Idiot Rules

These are the rules that I have always used playing Idiot. There are many variations possible, so this might not be exactly how you are used to playing the game.


  1. The purpose of Idiot is to lose all your cards by putting them on the pile. A card that is put on the pile must be equal or higher than the top card of the pile.
  2. If you have no card to put on the pile you must take the entire pile, and it's the opponents turn.
  3. There are always three cards in your hand, if you have less than three you must draw enough cards from the deck to get three again. After the deck is finished no more cards are drawn.
  4. There are three downwards facing cards and three upwards facing cards on the table. You cannot play them until your hand is finished. You cannot look at a downward facing card before playing it.
  5. Before you start you can exchange cards from your hand with the upwards facing cards on the table.
  6. You can put a two on top of everything, it is the restart card.
  7. You can put a five on top of everything, it is the reverse card, meaning that in the next turn the opponent must put a card equal or lower than five.
  8. You can put a ten on top of everything and it burns the pile, and you get to put out the first card in the new pile.
  9. You can put out more than one card at a time as long as they have the same rank. Do this by right clicking on the cards to select them and then left click on one of them to play them all together. If you are playing on an iPad or another tablet you can click a card and hold the finger on it for a second, then it will be selected. Select the ones you want to play together, and then tap on one of them to play them all together.
  10. If there are four cards with the same rank at the top of the pile then the pile is removed.
  11. If you have no card that you can put on top of the pile then you may draw the top card of the deck and put on the pile, if it is a legal move then you do not have to take the pile.
  12. You can always choose to take the pile instead of playing a card. You can also always play the top card on the deck blindly onto the pile.