Spread In Basketball

College basketball odds. Live college basketball betting odds, lines and spreads of the top sportsbooks including money lines, spreads, totals and futures SBR. The first model attempted is a linear model using predictors selected from a combination of domain expertise and exploratory analysis. All data considered here are spreads — the difference between the number of some event (like blocked shots) for one team vs. To say tov.spread = 5 means a team had five more turnovers than their opponent. College basketball picks and college basketball predictions for the 2020/21 season. Get college basketball expert picks against the spread and totals for every game involving a Power 5 Conference or Top 25 team. The number (the point spread) signifies how much is to be added or subtracted from that teams’ point total at the conclusion of the game. If Kaitlyn bets on Boston, they would have to defeat Detroit by a total of 8 points in order for her to win the bet. If she bets on Detroit, they would have to win outright or lose by no less than 7 points.

By Dr. James Gels, from the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook

Sometimes you need an offense to slow things down, to delay and control the tempo, or to run the clock out at the end of a half or the end of the game (when you have the lead). When running this offense, have your best ball-handlers and free-throw shooters in the game - the defense will often foul to stop the clock.
A coach might use this 'spread-delay offense' if there is no shot clock and if he/she believes his team is strongly out-matched. Several years ago, we had a very strong team (scoring about 80/game), and an opposing coach ran this offense against us the entire first half, with a resulting half-time score of 12-8! - (boys high school varsity).
To run this offense, you have to sell it to your players. Kids like to score points, and there won't be many scored with this offense. The fans won't like it either, and expect 'boos'! But the idea is to win the game, and this offense could help you get an upset win.
Even teams that like to run and play up-tempo could find this offense useful at the end of the game, in running out the clock, or for the last shot of a period. The goal is to control tempo and clock, and score with lay-ups and free-throws. Even though we are delaying, we still look to score lay-ups off back-cuts and dribble-penetration.

'Spread' Offense Pattern

This is a patterned 5-out, open-post offense (diagram A). The opposite wing O3 cuts to the lane-line and then makes are hard cut up top to get the pass from O1. O1 cuts through (and could get the pass back for a lay-up) and goes to the opposite corner. O5 rotates up to the wing. Then O2 cuts to the lane-line and makes the hard cut up top for the pass from O3 (diagram B). O3 cuts through to the opposite corner, as O4 rotates to the wing. Are you beginning to see the pattern here?

In diagram C, O5 makes the next 'L-cut' to the top, and gets the pass from O2. O2 cuts through to the corner and O1 rotates up to the wing. In diagram D, O4 L-cuts to the top and gets the pass from O5, and O5 cuts through. Notice in diagram D that anytime a post player (or someone with a size advantage over a defender) cuts through, he could quickly 'come back' to the ball in the paint and post-up for a quick pass inside. If the pass is not there, O5 then moves out to the corner, and O3 rotates up to the wing.

Cutters, Scoring

At all times, we are looking for opportunities to score lay-ups. We are not satisfied in just endlessly running this pattern, but look to score. Defenders will get frustrated and start gambling and over-play cutters - and this is when a back-cut is so effective.

Wing Back-Cut

Diagram E shows O1 starting the L-cut, but feels the defender overplaying him (denying the pass, or impeding the cut) - so O1 makes a quick back-cut to the hoop, looking for the pass from O4 and the lay-up.

If the pass to the cutter O1 is not there, diagram F shows how to 'fix things'. O1 moves out to the weak-side corner. As soon as he sees O1 back-cutting, the weak-side corner O2, cuts up top to get the next pass from O4.
Optionally, we can re-create the basic pattern by simply having O4 dribble to the left-side (diagram G). O3 now makes the L-cut and we are back to running our basic pattern - always looking for chances to back-cut and score.

Wing Back-screen

Diagram H shows a continuation of diagram G, where O4 has passed to O3 and has cut through. But this time O4 holds up a fist, indicating to O5 that he will back-screen for O5. O5 starts his usual movement up toward the wing, and then suddenly back-cuts around O4's screen for a pass and lay-up. After screening, O4 fills the wing and O5 moves out to the corner if he does not receive the pass inside.
Diagram I shows we are right back in the basic pattern, with O2 now L-cutting up top for the pass from O3.

Corner Back-Cut

Diagram J shows how the ball-side corner-wing player at any time could back-cut, without a back-screen. If O1 senses an overplay by his defender, O1 quickly back-cuts for a pass and lay-up. If the pass is not there, O2 passes to O4 L-cutting to the top, and O2 cuts through but this time fills the same-side corner (diagram K). O3 cuts up to top as soon as he sees the wing back-cut.

Give and Go Pass

Lastly, diagram L shows that at any time, we could pass to the top cutter for a 'give and go' and a lay-up. Here O4 has passed to O3 on top. O4 cuts through and gets the pass from O3 for the lay-up. If the pass is not open, O4 goes to the left corner, as O5 makes the L-cut for the next pass.


This delay offense is mostly a passing, cutting, and spacing offense. However, a player with the ball at the top could take his defender 1-on-1 with the dribble... (more in the members section).

Variation: 3-Guard Pattern

Here's an optional way of running the basic pattern. You might not want your 'bigs' (O4 and O5) handling the ball... (more in the members section).
More info
See the complete article in the members section. The complete article also includes:
  • dribble-penetration options
  • 3-guard pattern
  • And a detailed Animation!

Spread Basketball Offense Pdf

In summary, this spread offense often frustrates better opponents, causing them to gamble and over-play on defense, resulting in chances for easy lay-ups. You can control tempo and keep the score low. Players must be disciplined, good ball-handlers and good free-throw shooters. They must realize, that late in a game when you are trying to 'kill the clock', the 3-point shot is not an option - only lay-ups and free-throws. However, even when trying to run out the clock, still look to score an uncontested lay-up, as that is an easier shot than pressure-packed free-throws. And sometimes that last basket can 'seal the deal'.
If you play without a shot clock, this offense might help you get an upset victory - but you must get off to a good start. Once you get behind, you'll have to abandon this offense.

Related pages:
  • 4-Corners Delay Offense

Spread Floor In Basketball

Basics on Reading College Basketball Odds—Lines, Spread and Totals

College basketball offers sports bettors a wealth of games on which they can wager. During the season, you’ll find a long list of odds from the top books posted on Maddux Sports’ college basketball lines page. Of course, it’s essential that as a bettor you understand how to read these betting odds. In this article, you’ll learn all that you need to know regarding how to understand NCAA Basketball odds, including the point spread, over/under and moneyline.

The elements we’ll be looking at are often referred to by different names. The point spread is often called the spread or the line. The over/under bet is also known as the total. And the all important rotation number, which is used to identify each team that is playing, can be called the number or the rotation mark. By the way, sometimes people will lump all odds together by calling them lines or they may be referring to the spread when they ask, “What’s the line on the Duke game?” Many terms, over the years, have become interchangeable.

The good news is that although terminology may be laced with slang and some inconsistencies, when you look at college basketball lines posted online they all have the same elements and they all look pretty much the same. The primary difference is some books will list the teams for one game side-by-side and another will have one team on top of another. The main thing to remember is that the visiting club is always listed first.

What Is The Spread In Basketball

Starting from the left, the first things you’ll see will be the date and time of the game and right after that will be the rotation number and the team names. The point of the number is to create order and ease in making a bet. The numbers are listed in sequence and they are consistent from book to book.

As an example if Duke is playing at North Carolina and the Blue Devils have a rotation number of 901, then the Tar Heels, who are the home team and listed second, will be 902. In the next games listed, the visiting team would be 903 and the home club 904 and so the sequencing continues.

Date/TimeRotation NumberTeamPoint SpreadMoneyLineTotal
Feb 12th901Duke+2.5+120152.5
8:00902North Carolina-2.5-140152.5

Because every sportsbook uses the same numbers, it makes it easy for the bettor to locate the game and the odds at different sites and it provides a shorthand by which bettors can make their wagers over the phone or at a land-based book. To avoid confusion when betting, you don’t mention the name of the team but rather the rotation number.

These initial parts of the line, which are used to identify the game which is being bet, read from left to right—date and time of game, rotation numbers and team names. All elements to the right of this information relate to the college basketball odds for that specific game. This is where you will find the point spread, moneyline and over/under.

The reason the point spread exists is to make it more difficult for sports bettors to pick a winner. In college basketball odds, as in college football, some spreads can be huge. How big might they be? If a team such as Duke or North Carolina, both of which a powerhouses, plays a club such as Idaho State from the much weaker Big Sky Conference the spread could be 40 points or more. Without the spread, it would be much too easy to pick the winner. With the spread in place, bookies hope to even out the bets between the two teams.

Spread In Basketball Betting

This is how the point spread works. The team that is favored is listed with a minus or negative sign and a number, while the underdog is listed with a plus or positive sign and a number. The favorite has points taken away and the dog is given points. In our game where Duke is visiting North Carolina, the spread would be relatively tight since both clubs are national contenders. Duke, because they are visiting, might be listed at +2.5, which means North Carolina would be -2.5.

If you wager on the Blue Devils and they win outright or lose by less than three points, then you win. Bet on the Tar Heels and if they win by three or more points, you win. Often the point spread is listed with a ½ point faction or decimal, which ensures no matter what the score the game cannot end in a tie. If the spread is a whole number, then the contest could end in a tie and that would result in a push. A push means that all bets are off and all cash is returned to the bettors. If the spread was 2 in the Duke/North Carolina game and the final score was Duke (+2) 88 and North Carolina (-2) 90, it would be a tie and a push.

The other number you’ll see associated with the spread is the stake—how much you have to bet to realize a profit of $100. The most common stake you’ll see is listed as -110. This means that you must wager $110 to win $100. Note that the payout on a spread wager is not even money (1:1), as some will say. If it were, you would wager $110 to win $110. The odds are a bit less than even, standing at 0.90:1.00. That’s 10% less than even. Where does that 10% of your payout go? It’s taken by the book as part of their commission, which is also called vigorish or vig.

Next, to the right of the point spread, is the moneyline. Note: some books may list the moneyline separately under a moneyline tab. But often the line is part of the odds listing. This type of bet is quite different from the spread due to the fact that no points are given or taken away and the basketball team that wins outright is the one that pays off. The way the books even the playing field is they charge more for you to wager on the favorite while offering a smaller payout and charge less to bet on the dog while providing a bigger payout.

Using the Duke and North Carolina matchup, the moneyline would have the dog Blue Devils at +120 and the favorite Tar Heels at -140. This moneyline is directly connected to the spread of 2.5. With the moneyline, a club that’s posted on the plus side shows how much you’ll win when wagering $100 and when a team is listed in the negative that tells you how much you must bet to win $100. In our example, you would wager $100 on Duke (+120) to win $120 and $140 on North Carolina (-140) to win $100.
Below is a list of the corresponding point spreads as they relate to the moneyline, ranging from -2 to -10.

Point SpreadMoney Line

With college basketball odds the last number you will see, which is posted to the right, is the over/under. As it is with the spread, they may not be expressed as a whole number. The over/under represents the total number of points that may be scored in the game. Your wager is either on the over or the under.

In the Duke/North Carolina contest, the total would be around 152.5. If the sum of the points scored by both teams is 153 or higher, the over wins and if it is 152 or lower, then the under wins. As it is with the point spread, this number comes from handicappers working on and assessing matchups, stats, coaches and player performance.

Once odds are posted for a game, sports bettors need to decide quickly, based on research, which bets they are going to take. Early college basketball odds tend to be soft and offer more leeway than adjusted odds, which get tighter as game time gets closer. The elements discussed in this article are all common in NCAA Basketball odds listings. Know how to read each part in order to make smart and timely bets.